Directed by: Patricia Plattner
Script: Fabienne Le Houerou
Camera: Daniel Cavillon
Sound: Michèle Cavillon
Editing: Edwige Ochsenbein
Music: Italian and Ethiopian music
Prime à la qualité Office fédéral de la Culture, Département fédéral de l’intérieur, 1996, CH
Original Version: Doc., Italian/French, 35mm (blow up), 58′, color.
Release: 1996
Ce film trace la rencontre avec de vieux Italiens. dont le destin a été marqué par leur envoi en Abyssinie au temps du fascisme et de la guerre coloniale italienne. Malgré la défaite, ils s'y sont établis. A travers leurs témoignages, en particulier celui d'Amadeo V., on comprend les raisons de cet exil insolite et on découvre un pays d'Afrique étonnant.
A chronicle told by some elderly Italians whose destinies were decided by the fact that they were shipped out to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) during the war of colonisation waged by Italy's fascist regime. Despite the Duce's defeat, they stayed on. Their stories, particularly that of Amadeo V., help us to understand the reasons for their strange choice of exile in this amazing African land.
Questo film presenta l'incontro con anziani Italiani il cui destino e stato segnato quando furono inviati in Abissinia durante il periodo fascista e la guerra coloniale italiana. Nonostante la sconfitta, qui si sono stabiliti, dalle loro testimonianze, in particolare quella di Amedeo V., si riesce a capire le ragioni di questo insolito esilio et si scopre un sorprendente paese africano.